First of all, amazing website. Looks incredible. We have a very different view of trans people, so let's talk a bit about that! As you know, gender is a social construct, and every person has a different relationship to it and interprets it differently. If "Non-binary" was a label that didn't work for you, it's okay: it works for many other people. When you say it's just wrong: gender is a matter of social identity, not physical attributes. You also seem to be ignoring trans joy: people that were miserable before transitioning, and that have found their freedom and happiness in the way they live their gender. Being trans isn't hating yourself: it's loving yourself, listening to yourself and your needs, allowing yourself to shine through despite all odds. Being trans can be joy.And just because you in your personal experience identify with the gender you were given, it doesn't mean everyone has to. You say "penis-havers ARE NOT and CANNOT BECOME women" (your exact words). But why? When a trans woman lives as a woman and is socially recognized as such.. she's a woman. Since woman is a social identity, not a sexual one. You also say . How do you know? Do you know every single trans woman? Because "transwomen" are not a single entity: it's a community made of millions of individuals, each with their own personal story, values, interests, dreams.. I know trans women inspired by some of the women you mentioned. (I'd say Mother Teresa isn't a great example though: strongly against abortion, divorce and contraceptions, which i'd say are fundamental women's rights). When I see you saying trans women are , I can't help but feel sad. "Ugly"? "Sloppily dressed"? I thought you were all for self-love, expressing yourself and dressing how you wanted. Be careful: you seem to be becoming very hateful. And our world needs some love, I truly believe that. Let's be more empathetic and kind <3 Have a good day